I love drive-throughs. Not only can I get what I want in any weather (it's been nasty lately!) without getting out of my car, but I also can drive around with my trusty co-pilot, Delilah (above). Here's what I don't love about drive-throughs: breathing in the fumes from other cars that are idling. If you're waiting in a line for a minute or more, why not turn off the engine? You're not going anywhere--might as well save the gas and cut the pollution.
Twenty-five percent of the gas consumed in every car is used when it's not even in motion. Unless you're Oprah, Bill Gates, or Thurston Howell III and money isn't an issue for you, wasting money on gas you're not using is pretty much the same thing as tossing the dollar bills out into the breeze. Once I timed how long it took me to get from the end of the drive-through line at CVS to the pick-up window: sixteen minutes. And yes, my car was off except for the few seconds to pull forward, so I was quite pleased that I'd saved all of that gas.
I think people would be more aware of the fact that toxic fumes are spewing out of their tailpipes if the gases were colored neon yellow, or even better, dirty brown. But since it doesn't really look like anything is happening, we tend to forget all of the gaseous garbage that our cars are emitting. It's important to keep it in check, though, especially at pick-up lines at schools. Do you really want to spew carcinogens and toxic substances onto the playground where kids are running around, trying to get fresh air? According to this article from Scientific American, idling vehicles emit carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and soot particles, while diesel fuel vehicles emit additional carcinogens and toxic substances. All of this dirty air has been linked to respiratory diseases, heart attacks, and asthma attacks.
Twenty-five states currently have "no idling" laws. Where does your state stand on this issue? Take a look at this source on idling regulations by state (it doesn't just apply to truckers). And the next time you're at the drive-through at your bank, your drugstore, or (gasp!) a fast-food restaurant (I won't report you to Michael Pollan), do a big favor for your wallet, our lungs, and the planet--turn off your car.
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