"We awaken on a winter morning to the stillness of a world lying hushed beneath a blanket of overnight snow. Walking through the powerful silence of a forest, we are embraced by its stillness and learn to listen, see, and feel more deeply. The moments of silence we encounter are benedictions, blessings that echo in our hearts. They invite us to be still...to be present in the world." -- Christina Feldman, Silence: How to Find Inner Peace in a Busy World
Food for thought: The next time you take a walk outside, try to silence the chatter of your own thoughts and really listen to the world around you; really see what is in front of you; inhale the fresh air. Why is it often so difficult to embrace silence and stillness? How much undivided attention do you routinely give to nature? To technology? If nature is far outweighed by technology, what can you do today to shift the balance?
© 2013 by Joy Sussman/JoyfullyGreen.com. All rights reserved. Photograph and original text digitally fingerprinted. Site licensed by Creative Commons.
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