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j zairi

Just for the record....I have never tried to compost. It just seems yucky to me. And ME a woman who spends a good amount of time in poop... I desperately would like to produce less garbage. Having 5 kids and 3 adults in a house were its illegal to have a garbage disposable makes for an amount of garbage that is embarrassing. I just feel like it wouldnt be worth the effort of seperating yet another part of my waste into another bin that needs to be cleaned as well. Basically, I think its awesome that YOU compost but I"m going to stick with trying to buy local and having everyone finish all the food on their plates!

Joy @ JoyfullyGreen.com

And you know I think youre all kinds of awesome for doing everything you do! I realize you are a master coordinator--running your house, family, farm, and much of the school, so composting would only add one more task to your crazy list. And youre right, we just cant help what grosses us out!


Sometimes I wish we had an official composter. We do the big heap in the backyard. It's behind a tree but there are times when it looks pretty bad - especially right now as the snow is beginning to melt and all the food scraps from the winter are out in the open. Fortunately we don't have to worry about bears! :)


Back when my dad was alive and gardening, he built two compartment wooden bin for compost. As with most of his carpentry projects, it was, shall we say, stronger in function than form. All the scraps went into it, with a few shovels of horse manure obtained from a local stable and some leaves. One compartment was "active" and the other for aging. I wasn't much interested back then, but I can clearly recollect that the compost that came out of it was superb. The pile was always HOT. In cool evenings you could see the steam rising from the composting material. I think the horse manure was the secret ingredient there, as the manure piles we used to raid were similarly steamy. Things are a bit more rural back then and the garden plot was huge and easily accommodated the big wooden bins.

I haven't seen results like that from our rotating composter, but, then, I haven't used the secret ingredient :)

Joy @ JoyfullyGreen.com

Im sure your dad was onto a great idea, but I think Im a bit too squeamish to try his secret ingredient! We cant even go the worm route for composting (mostly due to hubbys squeamishness, but thats another story...), and Ive heard raves about worm composting as well!

Joy @ JoyfullyGreen.com

Hi Micaela,
Do you cover your food scrap compost with layers of mulch or dirt? That will help--although you're right that winter really slows things waaaaaaay down in terms of decomposition! We needed to take a composting break from December 'til now due to all of the snow. I'm glad you don't need to fight off the critters in your neck of the woods!

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