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I've got a lot of room for improvement in this area! I've just spent the past several weeks plotting how much sunlight is cast in several parts of our front & back yards (yes, I'm that much of a beginner). This year, I will plant tomatoes & possibly cucumbers - as well as sunflowers. It's gonna be a busy month!


I am actually trying to grow a citrus tree in my Manhattan office...I think I might be a couple of decades away from serving up lemonade but I nevertheless find it soothing to care for the thing...Isn't being green about baby steps?:-)


I love to garden! But we have a very tiny, very shaded yard. There are really only two spots to put anything and I use both spots for pumpkins. We just had a discussion the other day about how maybe I should grow tomatoes, lettuce and cucumbers, but I can't give up one of my pumpkin patches!!! I'm a bit obsessed...

Joy @ JoyfullyGreen.com

Good luck with it, Debi! Sunflowers sound lovely...and very French!

Joy @ JoyfullyGreen.com

Yes, that's the spirit, Stephanie!

Joy @ JoyfullyGreen.com

Janna, do you bake pies with them? I'm sure Halloween is a lot of fun!


I make EVERYTHING with my pumpkins - pies, bread, muffins, pancakes, smoothies, soup, beans & rice stuffed pumpkins for dinner, pumpkin lattes...

Oh & I put pumpkins in my planter pots & on the front porch for decoration. My kids & I paint polka dots & stripes on the pumpkins and of course, carve some of them!

But maybe I'll put tomatoes & lettuce in pots this year, so I can move them around so they'll get enough sun. Also, I've always wanted to grow a hibiscus tree. My sister has two gorgeous ones in Georgia, but they don't really grow here in Oregon. Maybe I'll try it this summer with a small plant & bring it inside when it freezes. Your lemon is darling!

Joy @ JoyfullyGreen.com

That's an impressive amount of pumpkin recipes! My mother-in-law makes a pumpkin flan every year for one of the Thanksgiving desserts and it is AMAZING.

Alex C Jones

One summer when I was 12 or 13, I grew popcorn in the back yard. I ripped up patch of sod making a rectangle that was about 5 feet by 10 feet -- that is 50 square feet. Made a 3 by 4 array of 12 small mounds, planted 5 seeds in each. When the young stalks poked about an inch through the soil, I removed the smallest 3 in each mound as the instructions said. Then there was fighting the bugs etc. At the end of the summer, I harvested the ears, and scraped the kernels off into a jar. It was about a half a cup. I put them in a skillet and popped them, and we ate it all in 1 night. 50 square feet of yard just for that! I learned why people do not usually grow any kind of corn in a vegetable garden.

Joy @ JoyfullyGreen.com

That's so funny, Alex! Lesson learned indeed. And yeah, "fighting the bugs" is my least favorite part of growing any foods.

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