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Mary Anne Enriquez

WOW! Thats very inspiring Joy! What happened to all those pesky juice boxes? You should go on the Terra cycle web site...they collect a multitude of items that most Americans toss out. they are even collecting cigarette butts now...you have to see what they DO with all this stuff...in huge global ways!

I am so glad I don't have kids (but I have taught thousands of them...in art and craft classes via park districts, summer camps, after school programs, and Young Rembrandts; in volunteering via nature centers, and museums) ...I would be the "mean mommy"..and force my children to eat fresh fruit...juice is bad anyways...for their teeth, and their blood sugar levels. It doesn't have fiber. We need to teach our kids from when they are toddlers...what are the sensible healthy foods.

Joy @ JoyfullyGreen.com

Thanks, Mary Anne. Regarding the juice boxes: We started off thinking we wanted to do a thermos fundraiser (branded with our school logo), but after researching it, the costs were prohibitive and the age range within our school required different types of thermoses (2-year-olds need different drink containers than 8th graders...), so we scrapped it. Instead, we wrote a letter that was sent out to parents in the summer, basically saying what I said in this post about juice boxes, and requesting that they switch to thermoses or reusable water bottles. As I said, its impossible to get 100% compliance, but we cleared the big hurdle, which was creating awareness. So many parents werent even thinking about what it means to pack a juice box (creating litter that will be around for ages)--they were just chucking them into the lunchboxes because it was convenient.

I agree on the juice--but my kids dont like plain water (and I need them to drink so they dont dehydrate and get crazy!), so I mix a splash of juice into their water. Many parents I know do it--100% juice is crazy sweet!

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