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Haven't clicked through the link, but it sounds like, and looks like the famous Sullivan St. Bakery No-Knead Bread recipe popularized in the NY Times:


I've made this OFTEN. My favorite variation uses about 60/40 Rye Flour and All Purpose Flour with Caraway and Sesame seeds.

Seeded Rye is getting harder and harder to find in the stores, and this tastes better anyway.

Hard to get really good results with 100% Whole Wheat/Rye flour, but I think I did a RYE/Whole/Wheat/White 40:50:10 that came out pretty good. I've used Oat Bran and Corn Meal as the "non-stick" support. The Oat Bran is a little messier, but the Organic Corn Meal that shows up in our house is WAY too finely ground. I prefer the coarser corn meal.

Only problem is having any left over by the time it cools..


Haven't clicked through the link, but it sounds like, and looks like the famous Sullivan St. Bakery No-Knead Bread recipe popularized in the NY Times:


I've made this OFTEN. My favorite variation uses about 60/40 Rye Flour and All Purpose Flour with Caraway and Sesame seeds.

Seeded Rye is getting harder and harder to find in the stores, and this tastes better anyway.

Hard to get really good results with 100% Whole Wheat/Rye flour, but I think I did a RYE/Whole/Wheat/White 40:50:10 that came out pretty good. I've used Oat Bran and Corn Meal as the "non-stick" support. The Oat Bran is a little messier, but the Organic Corn Meal that shows up in our house is WAY too finely ground. I prefer the coarser corn meal.

Only problem is having any left over by the time it cools..

Joy @ JoyfullyGreen.com

Thanks, Bob, for what seems like the original source. The link just says its from an article/recipe that ran in The New York Times, but doesnt credit the chef or Sullivan Street Bakery (unless Im missing it somewhere), so thank you! Im also glad to learn about your variations, because as soon as I was done making these two loaves, my brain started spinning with what else I could mix in. Rosemary is my first choice to try next, but Im giving your suggestions a shot after that. On one of these two loaves, I did use corn meal--messy but still delicious.

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