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Sustainability Chick

Excellent post! I plan to start campaigning locally, informing local businesses and home owners about the health effects of lawn pesticides. Whenever I survey my students about what the pesticide application signs mean, most of them don't even take notice of them. Once I explain what the sign means they are usually outraged that they are being exposed to harmful chemicals unknowingly and unwillingly. Little by little we can make changes. Thank you for such an informative blog post! @SustainChick


Excellent blog,Joy,and it makes me feel like my concern over the chemicals in hair dye is warranted. They are being put on our scalps,one of the richest blood supplies of our body,and left there for a period of time,after being cautioned to apply the dye with rubber gloves! Every woman that I've heard that has battled cancer has colored her hair. I stopped counting after 30 people! It may not be cause and effect,but I firmly believe there is some association involved.

Meanwhile,your lawn looks fabulous and your poochie looks cute as ever! I just want to squeeze her!!!

Joy @ JoyfullyGreen.com

You're very welcome. It's true that the first hurdle is raising awareness. If people only knew about the extremely harmful poisons they are pouring on their lawns, they'd be much more likely to make a switch in how they take care of their lawns. Thanks for stopping by!

Joy @ JoyfullyGreen.com

A good point, Donna--inhaling chemicals and pouring them on your body cannot be a good thing! Same with lawn chemicals coming into contact with your skin and lungs.

I will pass on the hug to Delilah!

Alex C Jones

Another option is to "go native". Around here we occasionally see yards where they did away with having mown green lawn, and instead have it growing with flora that is native to this region. Sometimes these can look a little wild, with 3-foot high prairie grass and lots of wildflowers.

Joy @ JoyfullyGreen.com

You're right, Alex--that is a very good option if it works for your yard and climate.

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