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Great tips! I like don't let anything back into the house. I'm hopefully going to do one this summer o I'll remember these. I am worried about getting the kids on board. They are the worst for holding onto things and if inlet them see what I'm thinking of selling or giving away half of it makes it back into their bedrooms.

Joy @ JoyfullyGreen.com

Hi Christy,
Its true that kids are usually tough about letting things go (even toys that kids havent played with in years all of a sudden become their favorites when youre trying to get rid of them), so if you can strike a bargain with the kids beforehand--such as offering to buy them ONE new thing theyve really been wanting (hopefully, not too expensive!)--it can help ease them into it. I dont like getting them into the mindset of buying more things, but its worth it to get rid of a LOT of stuff if youre only bringing one new thing per kid into the house. Good luck with your sale!

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