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I ride by Arlington National Cemetery on my bicycle twice per day on my way to and from work. There's no way you can confuse Memorial Day with shopping there.

I'm active duty Coast Guard right now, and come from a long line of military in my family. My dad was in Vietnam and so were my uncles, so I've had a lot of time to think about this over the years. Memorial Day actually sort of sucks. I'm usually not home for it, but I was this year, and I loved having a great meal outside with my family after a fantastic weekend together. It was perfect. This is the best way to honor all those people buried in Arlington -- just be together, and raise a glass for our country. Nothing fancy.


This is the thing that burns through my mind on Memorial Day:


Joy @ JoyfullyGreen.com

I think most Americans are grateful to servicepeople like you (I certainly am), and I'm sure they think about that gratitude on Memorial Day. It's just the stores and their constant hawking of "DOORBUSTING MEMORIAL DAY SALES!!!" that drives me nuts. I don't know why stores need to hijack certain holidays to make extra bucks. I guess it works, because the trend continues, but I just can't imagine heading to a mall of all places on Memorial Day. Gross...

Joy @ JoyfullyGreen.com

Indeed. That's quite beautiful--thanks for sharing it here, Patrick.

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