Back in my advertising days (a curious and dubious profession for somebody who now writes occasionally about non-consumerism), I used to collect my favorite print ads for inspiration, and one of my favorites was from a bank (I don’t remember the name of the bank…so much for the ad’s effectiveness!), in which the headline was “You are the President of Your Life.” I had the headline pinned to my bulletin board. It resonated with me because I felt ruled by my to-do lists, compelled to complete nonsense tasks and busywork--very little of the stuff that actually mattered in the Grand Scheme of Things. But that ad spoke to me because it was about making the important choices, managing time in meaningful ways, and viewing life as a combination of departments to manage.
When one year is ending and a brand-new one is peeking around the corner, I tend to look backward, inward, and then forward--in a sort of "presidential year-in-review" combined with a plan for the future, prospectus-style. What shined in the past year, and what could have used a polish? What did I discover about myself, and what do I hope to accomplish in the year ahead?
In distilling the past year and capturing its essence, I looked through the last twelve months at this blog. These were the recurring themes, the things I learned, the posts that defined who I am and where I want to head:
- This was the year I continued my journey of non-consumerism and minimalism, finding new homes for things I didn't need, and spending significantly less on new things. Although won't be happy to hear it (shhhh!), I learned that I made 47 purchases in 2011, 29 purchases in 2012, and 9 (nine!) purchases in 2013. I love that kind of downward spiral!
- This was my year of capturing the fleeting moments, that split-second between what was and what will be. This was the year I stopped the car to really notice what I was passing.
- It was also the year I occasionally abandoned my to-do lists, let my breakfast go cold while I discovered more delicious rewards, discovered micro worlds with a macro lens, and met some very strange-looking models.
- This was the year that formerly "ugly bugs" taught me a thing or two about life and character.
- This was the year I finally defined myself as "A Photographer."
This was the year I realized that I'm not just the President of My Life, but also the Curator of My Life. When you're the Curator of Your Life, you decide...
- how much money to squander, and how much money to save.
- the stuff you part with, and the stuff you choose to keep.
- the positive people to bring closer, and the negative people to cut loose.
- how you take care of things, or how you let things go.
- the good memories to cherish, and the bad ones to learn from and let flutter away.
In 2014, I hope you, too, will refine your course, polish the edges of your possibilities, and redirect your vision so it aligns with what you really, truly want. Happy Curating!
Your turn: Did you have a defining moment from the past year? Were you happy with your 2013? Please share in the Comments section below. If you are reading this post via email subscription or mobile device, click on the title or go to from a computer to see the comments and leave one of your own. (Don't forget to click the box for subscribing to comments so you can follow the conversation.)
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Nature photography e-course coming in March 2014! Stay tuned for details!
© 2013 by Joy Sussman/ All rights reserved. Photos and text digitally fingerprinted and watermarked. Site licensed by Creative Commons.