It was a snap to choose five joyful reads this week. Each of the following posts showed up in my in-box and offered a completely different and worthwhile experience. Let's dig right in!
- Tracy Beckerman's Lost in Suburbia blog has a lot of comedic gems, but I think it's best to start off with her quiz: The Official "Are You Lost in Suburbia?" Quiz.
- Tricia from Little Eco Footprints (one of my favorite green blogs) writes about why we should stop buying all of those bright, plastic, junky toys for kids: Cheap Plastic Rubbish.
- Every time I read a post at White Rabbit Insight, I learn something new and interesting. In this post, I learned about a music genre I'd never heard of before, and the links to the Latin pieces completely relaxed me, just as promised: Taize: Worship through Meditative Music.
- I laughed all through this post from Fragments from Floyd because I am officially and unequivocally a "dog person" now, and this dog has a hilarious way of trying to give his owner a hint: Gandy's Workshop.
- Perhaps more than anything else I read this week, this interview from Treehugger with award-winning wildlife photographer Tin Man Lee completely resonated with me, and his photos are stunning, of course: Tin Man Lee on the Ethics and Challenges of Wildlife Photography.
And now, some exciting news!
A big thank-you to Christy at The Simple White Rabbit for giving me the Blog of the Year Award 2013--and thanks so much for the kind words!
The Blog of the Year Award is an award one blogger gives to another. Once you receive the award, you "pay it forward", choosing one or more blogs to award. I've already given out the Liebster Award to several of my favorite bloggers, so this time around, I'm spreading the love to three other bloggers who align with my green values:
- Evelyn at Smallish "offers a genuine and sometimes quirky perspective on living with a small budget, a small footprint, and in a small space." Bonus: Her blog is really cute!
- Tricia at Little Eco Footprints writes "I dream of living close to nature; having space to grow food; having a little ecological footprint; and being part of a community." Down-to-earth goals I admire.
- Fred First is not only an entertaining writer, he's also a champion for environmental issues and a great nature photographer at Fragments from Floyd.
I hope you'll add these bloggers to your weekend reads!
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