Even though the mountains of snow aren't going anywhere soon (and even though more snow is on the way this weekend!), every one of the following posts melted me into a puddle of warmth and sweetness this week. Really, they're all so lovely and heartfelt. See for yourself...
- So often, we miss a whole event because we're too busy trying to record it. (As a photographer, I'm totally guilty of this, many times over!) Laura at Circle of Pine Trees wrote an insightful post about what happens when we pay full attention instead: Behind the Scenes.
- Even more loveliness, from an English hillside, capped off with childhood nostalgia from Helen at Larglea Confidential: Sunshine on Snowdrops.
- I don't think it's possible for me to love this "Book Buddies" idea (from the Animal Rescue League of Berks County) more than I already do, and the photographs melt me into a squishy-hearted mess every single time I look at them (especially the precious one of the little boy in the gray sweatshirt hugging the orange cat). I hope more places adopt this idea of children reading to shelter animals.
- Here's another heart-melting idea involving children and books: Retired Teacher Builds a Mobile Library. (Molto Bene, Antonio!)
- Can you ever turn back the clock? Sadly, no, but as stated in this post from Make It Red, one photographer found an ingenious way of revisiting her youth: Chino Otsuka: Imagine Finding Me.
Well, did they melt you, too? Have a warm and memorable weekend!
Time's running out...don't forget to register this weekend for my 10-day photography e-course starting March 10, "How to Take Better Photos of Nature and the World Around You." Learn more and register at this link. (Spoiler Alert: You won't need a special camera, or oodles of time, or years of experience, so why not treat yourself to a lifetime of better photos?)
© 2014 by Joy Sussman/JoyfullyGreen.com. All rights reserved. Photos and text digitally fingerprinted and watermarked. Site licensed by Creative Commons.