I've said it before here: I love the "Self-Help" section of bookstores, but I wish it were named something like "You, Only More Awesome!" Because people are always skulking around that section of the store, looking sheepish and sometimes mortified to be there. And honestly, who couldn't use a few reads about living a better life and improving themselves? On that note, following are five posts I enjoyed that offer advice on self-betterment. (If you comment on their posts, please tell them I sent you their way!)
- Wise words from Rachel W. Cole: The Importance of Crying in Public.
- From Kate Toholka at MindBodyGreen, 5 Steps to Avoid Getting Sucked Into Gossip.
- Can watching nature on a regular basis change how you think and how you live your life? My answer would be yes, and so would Savannah Elwood's at Living Green Magazine: 7 Things Watching Nature Taught Me.
- From Rekha at Dew Drops, a very moving essay on how "a teacher can either make or break the future of several generations": The most influential teacher.
- And finally, Linda from Notes from the Arena writes bravely about jumping right into the situations that make us tremble: The Story of the High Ropes Course.
Now, weren't those inspiring? Have an "Awesome You" weekend!
FINAL TWO DAYS to register for my photography e-course, starting this Monday, March 10: "How to Take Better Photos of Nature and the World Around You." The following link has all the details: Learn more and register here. JOIN US! It will be fun!
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