Before I introduce you to some wise words for the weekend, I wanted to let you know that I'm hard at work planning my next photography e-course. The first course, which ended last Friday, was filled with wonderful students who spoiled me silly with their enthusiasm for learning and sweet appreciation. I can't wait to teach more of you some of the things I've learned about photography, so stay tuned in the weeks ahead for details! Okay, on to different lessons altogether...
- From Pamela Druckerman, best-selling author of Bringing Up Bebe (a book that will make you rethink the way you feed your family): What You Learn in Your 40's.
- From Laura Simms at Create as Folk: Why You Should Produce Crappy Stuff.
- From Bethany at Our Journey to Ithaca, some very good reasons to let go of perfectionism: The Beauty of Imperfection.
- From Jessica Zimmerman Smith, via BlogHer, a post I agree with whole-heartedly: Little League Isn't For Kids.
- From Carmella Rayone at Assortment, a great way to spend a weekend: A Beautiful Mess.
Here's to "a beautiful mess" of a weekend!
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