I finally pulled up the reflector stakes from the sides of the driveway last week--you know, those markers that keep the snow-plough guys from running over our hedges (well, sometimes!). So, even though we don't have any blossoms blooming yet (this picture is from last spring), I'm officially calling it: Spring is finally here--and not a minute too soon! To make sure you're adequately prepared for it, I want to include three of my posts that you might have missed the first time around:
- This post could (quite literally) save your life--and your pet's life: Keep Off The Grass! Experts Sound Off on the Health Hazards of Lawn Chemicals
- This post could save your sanity (not so literally): The Therapeutic Effects of Weeding Your Garden
- And this post will get your house scrubby-fresh without all of the nasty chemicals: My Top Ten Green Products for Spring Cleaning
Happy Spring, friends!
The photograph in this post is available as an art print (framed or unframed) in my Society6 shop.
Next nature photography e-course coming in July! Email me at [email protected] to get on the list for early details or to reserve your spot.
© 2014 by Joy Sussman/JoyfullyGreen.com. All rights reserved. Photos and text digitally fingerprinted and watermarked. Site licensed by Creative Commons.