1. Search Google for "images of African women carrying water" or just click on this article. While we can turn on the tap mindlessly, it's pretty sobering to realize that over one billion people in the world lack access to fresh water. Many of them struggle every single day to find clean water, or carry that water for miles in heavy jugs, or carefully ration its use until the next rare rainfall. Show the images to your children and discuss the very real value of water in the world.
2. When you boil water for pasta, put frozen vegetables in the colander. When you drain the pasta, pour it right over the frozen veggies, toss the pasta and veggies together, add a simple sauce and seasoning, and voila! Dinner is served.
3. Keep a watering can (or two) on your deck. After it rains, use the rainwater to feed your plants and flowers.
4. Put a clock in your bathroom to keep track of how long you're showering--preferably, a clock with an annoying alarm so you'll become more efficient with your rinsing time to avoid the horrid noise.
5. Add ice cubes to your pets' water bowls to keep their water fresher and cooler for longer.
6. Keep a large pot or basin in your kitchen sink with dish soap in it. Angle the faucet right above the pot so that any tap water used during the day goes into the basin. After meals, put your dishes and utensils to soak in the soapy mixture. They'll be all set for the dishwater later, without extra scrubbing.
7. When you boil water for tea, use the excess water for steaming and disinfecting your sink and sponges.
8. Curb mindless hand-washing. Have your kids aim for singing "Happy Birthday" twice while washing their hands with soap. When they're done, off goes the tap!
9. Invest in a rain barrel with a hose attachment for watering your lawn and garden. Yes, they can get pricey, but you'll save on your water bill.
10. Have a rain sensor installed on your lawn sprinkling system. How many times have you driven by a yard with a sprinkler system going off in a rainstorm? Don't let that next yard be yours!
Your turn: How do you save water at your house? Let's hear it in the comment section!
If you have a digital camera (any type, including a smart phone) but don't know how to really use it to its fullest creative potential, registration is now OPEN for my July photography e-course, "How to Take Better Photos of Nature and the World Around You." Even if you have a full-time job, you'll be able to take this online class at your own pace. Click here for details!
© 2014 by Joy Sussman/JoyfullyGreen.com. All rights reserved. All photos and text digitally fingerprinted and watermarked. Please do not use any of my photographs without asking me first for permission at [email protected] and then clearly linking back to this site with photo credits. Site licensed by Creative Commons.
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