You're in luck: Two weeks in a row of wonderful reads for your weekend!
- A short and pretty post at Thinking Through My Lens: Let Them Fly.
- I love how my friend Lois fosters nature appreciation in her grandchildren, as she does in this thought-provoking post called Nature In Distress.
- My friend Connie's post made me hug my (still-young) children a little tighter: Four Ways In Which My Life is Totally Different Now That My Kids Are Teenagers.
- Tricia at Little Eco Footprints writes about how there are now TV screens at gas pumps in Australia. When will the madness end, filling up every single second with noise and busy-ness? Tricia's got a good remedy for it, here: Overwhelm and Contaminated Time.
- And finally: I'm half-Swedish, but I know far too little about my Swedish heritage, so I visually devoured these serene and lovely photographs of "the homeland" at Be Love Live: The Magic of Sweden's Simplicity.
I hope you have a simple and magical weekend!
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