Seems that I've stumbled into a rather crazed chapter of my life--many business plans and personal events are whirling around together like berries in a blender set on "high." The good thing is...they're all good. The bad thing is...I'm busier than I've been in a long time and feel like I've totally "fallen off the wagon" of simplifying.
I'm trying to regain some sense of balance during this time, and if you are, too, then I bet you'll appreciate these five articles that discuss mindfulness, simplifying, and getting your life into some semblance of order. (I'm going to re-read them this weekend and try to practice what I'm preaching!)
- From Raptitude (one of my new favorite blogs): Life is Way Simpler Than You Think
- From Shambhala Sun: No Time to Meditate?
- From New Escapologist: Observations From Out Here
- From Enchanting Minds: 30 Things You Must Start Doing For Yourself
- From White Rabbit Insight (always a source of inspiration for me): The Holy Way: Practices for a Simple Life
Your turn: What are your go-to sources (blogs, books, places, activities) for restoring peacefulness and balance in your life? I'd love to hear about them in the comments section below!
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