This week was all about entertaining and enjoying our friends, and the weather (mostly) cooperated beautifully! We dined al fresco as much as possible, taking full advantage of summertime. The wine above is called Sofia, as in Coppola, from her father's famous vineyards. The bottle is stylish and beautiful--I'm repurposing it as a vase!--and the delicious contents were gratefully consumed after a badminton mega-marathon. (Summer = badminton!)
Is there anything more idyllic than breakfast outdoors with good friends on a summer morning in the "country" (well, the suburbs...)? Just look at these fresh strawberries! I bet you can practically taste them, right?
One of the best perks of having a good friend from Paris as a houseguest: homemade crepes! Isn't this stack of deliciousness a work of art? Naturally, I wouldn't let anybody touch them until I took some pix! That's the rub when you're friends with a photographer and/or blogger--"photos before forks!" (I just made that up, but I can tell I'm going to be using it. A lot!)
The picture below, although not delicious like the previous three, also represented the week for me. Recognizing the extraordinary beauty of the entirely ordinary, like morning sunshine hitting a silver doorknob to make it glitter and gleam.
And finally, I'll close with my favorite "office view." From late spring to mid-fall (but especially in the summer), I love to work outside after breakfast, on our deck, with a view to the woods. Ideas seem to flow better with fresh air and sunshine, don't you think?
Wishing you a weekend that's full of wonderful summertime pleasures!
LAST CALL: Class starts Monday!
My photography e-course, "How to Take Better Photos of Nature and the World Around You" starts this coming Monday, July 14th. Join us--it'll be fun!
- All digital cameras welcome (any type, including smart phones).
- Even if you have a full-time job, you'll be able to take this course at your own pace.
- Click here for all the details!
© 2014 by Joy Sussman/ All rights reserved. All photos and text digitally fingerprinted and watermarked. Please do not use any of my photographs without asking me first for permission at [email protected] and then clearly linking back to this site with photo credits. Site licensed by Creative Commons.