While I'm a tad sad (and frankly, surprised!) to see summer winding down so quickly (the leaves here are already starting to turn color), there's something about the start of a new school year, with chatty kids climbing up into big yellow buses, that always feels fresh, exciting, hopeful, and creative.
Perhaps it's all of those sharpened pencils and crisp notebooks, with wide-open pages just waiting to be doodled-up with dazzling ideas. I love a clean slate, don't you? (That must be why I've been tweaking my website--what do you think of the new banner?)
Here are five good reads for the weekend that are all about the creative life at its pure and simple best:
- My friend Cathryn in London practices mindfulness with her art, capturing the tiniest details of everyday life. Her sketchwork has always reminded me of early Andy Warhol illustrations, as in this post from her: Drawing August Part 1.
- I first heard about artist Lisa Congdon from Cathryn, and in this essay, she talks about how "comparison is the thief of joy."
- In this post from Mortal Muses, Nikki Gardner talks about the humble beginnings of our creative work and how we should just leave it.
- My friend Jayleen whipped together an effortless recipe from two kids' favorites. (You can't tell me that spaghetti tacos aren't creative!)
- And finally, a lovely portrait of a 100-year-old artist, still going strong. Isn't the joy in her face beautiful to behold?
Here's to a fresh and creative weekend...on the cusp of a new season!
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