When your mom is a photographer and a blogger, you've got the Dreaded Double-Whammy: A mom who records every little thing in words and pictures. You can't possibly leave for the first day of school without lots and LOTS of pictures. Way more than the average number of back-to-school photos. We're talking hundreds. Of every little step, from the front steps to the bus stop.
She'll even take pictures when the dog decides that it's the ideal time for a butt-licking.
Just don't even think about rushing off to school without your mom looking at you really, reeeeeally closely, noticing what's changed about you since the last time you left for a first day of school. She's already remembering the old pictures she took, the ones she'll look at later, when you're off at school.
She'll also probably be thinking about the very first time you left for school...or rather, were walked into school. You were holding her hand very tightly, and gave a good, long squeeeeeezy hug before she went back to her car (to cry).
She'll think about the very first time you rode the bus.
And now, here it is, years later, another first day of school. You're almost taller than your mom at this point (which isn't hard, because your mom is short, but still, you're growing and growing and growing).
When your mom is a photographer and a blogger, you've got a mom who is always trying to see the poetic part of the situation.
Who is looking for the best light.
Who looks at the budding Rose of Sharon bush (which blooms beautifully, like clockwork, at the very end of August) and thinks, "Another year..."
Don't be surprised if, after you get on the bus and are riding off to school, your mom walks into the (very) quiet house and says out loud to the dog, "Just you and me again."
Because you have a mom who's really sentimental.
Who wants to freeze time with photographs.
Who wants to write it all down, commit it to paper, so she can read it one day and remember it all in detail, again.
Not that she would ever forget, because, you know...she's a mom.
That's actually a triple-whammy: Photographer-Blogger-Mom.
Kids, get used to it: You're in for a LOT of pictures.
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© 2014 by Joy Sussman/JoyfullyGreen.com. All rights reserved. All photos and text digitally fingerprinted and watermarked. Please do not use any of my photographs without asking me first for permission at [email protected] and then clearly linking back to this site with photo credits. Site licensed by Creative Commons.