Lately I've been reading so many truly lovely blog posts about family, it's been making me feel all mushy-gushy-lovey-dovey inside! So, I thought I would share the delicious mushiness with you here, in a round-up of posts--some funny, some poignant, but all about family. This is one of my very favorite Joyful Reads editions; I hope you enjoy these posts as much as I did. (As always, if you leave comments for the writers on their posts--and why not?--please tell them I sent you their way!)
- From Josephine Corcoran's Blog: My Dad showed me how to be human
- From Why is her so stroppy? (Sorry, I don't understand that blog title either! I guess it's a British thing?): Travelling to Florence, Italy, with an 11-year-old
- From So They Can Fly: The Other Woman
- From Bringing Up Bella (because dogs are an essential part of the family as far as I'm concerned, and rescue dogs are my very favorite breed): You've come a long way, baby
- From Clean: I remember
Now, do those posts make you want to go hug your loved ones, or what?! Enjoy the weekend!
SPECIAL NOTE: For one week only, October 1-7, 2014, I'm offering an Early Bird Discount on my online photography course running in November, The Art of Photography: How to Take Your Pictures to the Next Level. Save $15 by registering today!
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