I don't want to alarm you, but Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away! (How did THAT happen?!) Since I'm always looking for creative ideas to bring the beauty of nature indoors, I found an abundance of GORGEOUS suggestions for Turkey Day. Even better, they're so easy, even I can do them without feeling like a total turkey (sorry, couldn't resist!). Are you ready for some crafty inspirations featuring Mother Nature? Here you go!
- From The Turquoise Home (I LOVE the blue painted pumpkins!): 11 Ways to Add Fall to Your Home
- From Apartment Therapy: Super Simple DIY Centerpieces
- From The NY Melrose Family: Thankful Handprint Pumpkin
- From Passionate Penny Pincher (I avoid all dollar stores like the plague--cheap junk poorly made in China under bad conditions--but I'm totally doing this popcorn idea with candle-holders I already own!): $6 Decorating
- From Far Above Rubies: Thanksgiving Preview
Hungry for more? I pinned a beautiful bunch of Thanksgiving ideas to my Pinterest page--check it out!
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