There's something that is pure magic about the first snowfall of the year. It takes us by surprise as the first flakes start fluttering down. And then it takes us by surprise again, when it decides "to stick."
All children seem to love snow, anytime, anywhere. For adults...not so much! They grow weary of it, and fast. Last Thursday night, when it started to snow for the first time this season, both of my children headed out with cheering excitement to the back yard, in their pajamas and winter coats. Each child held up one arm high, like two Statues of Liberty, both holding a cup instead of a torch, to catch the fat flakes falling.
On Friday morning while I was taking Delilah on her walk, I saw a neighbor standing out in her driveway in her pajamas and robe, holding a coffee cup. She waved to me and called, "I just had to come outside--it looks so beautiful!" Our little corner of the world was glittering in the rising sun, and I agreed with her completely.
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