For the last two days (give or take a few hours for sleep), I've been nervously struggling to write this post because I know that nobody likes to hear people tooting their own horns--and the internet horn-tooting can be deafening. Other than my husband and kids, I haven't told anybody this news yet. Frankly, I'm still a bit shocked. But that doesn't mean I'm not over-the-moon happy about it!
In early February, I submitted this photograph of apples (along with a few other shots that I've featured at Joyfully Green) to BlogHer for consideration in the photo category of their Voices of the Year competition. Not because I think "I am Jane Photographer! Hear me ROAR!" but more in the winning-the-lottery hopefulness of "Why not? Who knows?"
Well, very early on Monday, I learned I was one of seven photography honorees this year. (Seven?! I think the relatively low number freaked me out more than the award itself!) Here's an excerpt from BlogHer below (but you can click here for the full announcement):
"Today is the day! Thousands of community members submitted the best work they created, and pieces by others they admired. We expanded our categories this year to recognize ALL the work our community is doing in social media: brilliant blog posts and photos, plus actions that created impact, dazzling eye candy, and short and long-form video. Our group of judges read every single post, looked at each beautiful photo, followed all the conversations, and watched all the amazing videos the community submitted. The result is this year's incredibly talented Voices of the Year Honorees.
We are overjoyed to honor these outstanding creators who have pushed us to think more, feel more, share more, laugh more, and do more. Go look at the list of honorees and get ready for a special night when we honor their voices. Congratulations to all!"
Artists know this all too well: We send our creative work fluttering out into the world, hoping it will be met with soft breezes to guide it onto welcoming shores--not swept back to us like a soggy newspaper pitched onto the wrong lawn by a careless paperboy. So when it's recognized and rewarded, it's...surreal.
I am, quite simply and shyly, grateful. No, make that Grateful. Capital G.
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P.S. Less than 2 weeks left to register for my newest online photography course, The Charm of Children: How to Take Better Photos of Babies & Kids. (No fancy camera necessary!) Join me!
© 2015 by Joy Sussman/ LLC. All rights reserved. All photos and text digitally fingerprinted and watermarked. Please do not use any of my photographs without asking me first for permission at [email protected] and then clearly linking back to this site with photo credits. Site licensed by Creative Commons
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