It wasn't until I hit my 40's that I realized, with some relief, that I'm actually an introvert. Or more specifically, as I joke to my husband, "a highly functioning introvert." Because many people who know me wouldn't describe me as a "typical" introvert.
I was the cheerleading captain as a high school sophomore (I cringe to admit that; it all seems so silly now), but I dumped it the next year for the drama club, where I could hang around with the other artsy kids at school, taking the stage in small roles instead of being front-and-center at football games.
The fact of the matter is that I feel most at peace spending good chunks of time on my own, in relative silence, contemplating the world through a camera lens.
Viewing the world through the eyes of an introvert has helped me to recognize the introverts and extroverts of the flower world, too.
June began with a LOT of rain around here, so everything is blooming like crazy! Of course, the roses, the peonies, and the irises get the most ooooohs and aaaaaahs, so naturally, I take lots of shots of them.
But it's often the "quieter" flowers that resonate the most with me. The less flashy ones. The ones you have to really study up-close to see their delicate petals.
I'm drawn to the tiny ruby-colored blooms on the Lemon Princess Spirea, perfectly counter-balanced by their neon-green leaves.
I've always had a soft spot for this little weedy wildflower pictured below, called Purple Crown Vetch. It's nestled next to what we used to call a "friendship rock" at camp when I was a kid. A friendship rock was any rock that had a continuous line all the way around it--an unending circle, like true friendship. You'd give one to only your very best friends to carry in their pockets, like secrets.
While the flowers of the Bleeding Heart (Dicentra) are picture-perfect little Valentines, I also like modest clovers, with their heart-shaped leaves.
Like so many other "introvert" flowers that I admire, they seem to be peering through the shady cracks, trying to find their quiet corner of the world. A private place that suits them perfectly, with just the right amount of sun.
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