When the first chill of fall is in the air, it's off to the apple orchard to pick fresh fruit from the trees. Simply because it's fall and this is what we do.
This is "our" orchard. The one we return to, year after year. It has the most charming farm; we've grown fond of the animals who live there. We "check in" with them before we begin our search for the "perfect" apples.
The goats are still bold and friendly, clamoring to say hello (and to see if we have anything good to eat).
The rabbits are still shy and tentative, probably asking themselves, "Who are these big, nosy creatures, and why are they peering into our humble little homes?"
The horses are still handsome and graceful.
There's a certain soul-soothing comfort in going back to a certain place at a certain time of year. Seeing that no matter how many inches the children have grown since last fall, or how much the world has loudly changed around us, there are some things that stay beautifully the same.
Autumn is not just about the changing leaves, it's about the reassuring ritual of visiting the orchard. And gratitude that not all things must change.
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