Before I dive into some fun finds for the weekend, let me just say I'm having a BLAST lately working with scans of old photographs that I took during "the film age." (You know, before everybody took pictures with their phones of their lunches.) That's our feisty cat, Linus (R.I.P.), in a photo I took a few years before I became allergic to cats (cruel fate!) and therefore became a "dog person" (softening the blow of cruel fate). Okay, back to the business at hand...
- This fascinated me: Animals change their sounds to be heard in a noisy world
- Magical, mysterious images: Ballet dancer finds her footing through dreamlike photos
- From Sarah at Simple Happy Life: Embracing the Ordinary
- From Terri at Chasing Simple Dreams: Why I Like Living Small
- Super-delish ideas even if you're not a vegan: 13 recipes for a no-fuss vegan Thanksgiving
- LOVED this: You Know What Will Ruin My Kids?
- Armchair traveling with my friend Cathryn to Toledo, Spain
- Wise words from my friend Carol: What makes one person happier than the next
- And finally, I was honored to be included in this bloggers' round-up for a worthy cause: Simplify the Season
Happy weekend, friends!
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