If you've been reading this blog for a while now, you might recall that I am not naturally good at relaxing. It takes a concerted effort for me to unwind, and it takes me a good two days into any vacation for me to ease into true Vacation Mode. From what I've seen among my artist friends with their own creative businesses, this is not uncommon. When you create for a living, it's not easy to just turn off the ideas like a faucet. Nor do I really want to turn off the ideas--which is why it's helped me enormously to keep a sketchpad and pencil ready to go at any given moment (including the middle of the night, fresh out of a dream, when I often get my freakiest most creative ideas).
Even now as I type this, my mind is whirling with new things I'd like to create today. But my latest big creation, my new e-course called Soul Focus: Finding Peace Through Photography, is officially starting this Monday (that's 1/30/17, for those of you who stumble upon this post way after the fact). I want to go into Soul Focus Mode, to slow down, to get quieter, to step away for a while. I'm dialing way down on the multitasking because I want to immerse myself in the mindfulness lessons with my students (otherwise, I'd feel more than a tad hypocritical). To be there, I can't be here. So, I'm signing off, with no new blog posts until after the course wraps up on February 12th. I hope you'll meet me back here when I get to the other side...and thank you so very much for your patience and your presence.
P.S. I got a little note today from my friend Monica at Acorn Oak Forest that I'd like to share with you, just in case it resonates with you and your life right now: "So... I was in the process of writing you a message about how I couldn't do this course. No time. Blah blah blah... When I realized I need this now more than ever. Happy early birthday to me! I'm signing up!" If your life feels like it's crazier than ever, do join us here: Soul Focus: Finding Peace Through Photography. If you're on Instagram, get a $10 discount on the e-course by clicking the link in my profile here.
© 2017 by Joy Sussman/JoyfullyGreen.com LLC. All rights reserved. All photos and text digitally fingerprinted and watermarked. Please do not use any photographs without asking me first for permission at [email protected] and then clearly linking back to this site with photo credits. Site licensed by Creative Commons.