At breakfast today, while turning the page of an incredibly good book (to be revealed here in the coming weeks), I looked up and saw it. A basket in the corner, catching the morning light. I don't even remember how this basket came into my home. Its history is a mystery. And yet here it was, catching my attention.
Of course, you know what happened next: I reached for my camera (or more correctly, my iPhone). I clicked into my favorite camera app (Camera+ by tap tap tap, and no, I'm not being paid to say that), hitting the "macro" feature. All of the tiniest details of the basket came into exquisitely clear view. Not just a simple brown basket anymore, but a basket with fine threads of yellow, blue, green, purple, red, black, white, and orange. Just moments before, it was a simple brown basket.
Somebody, somewhere, made this basket that now lives in my house. Somebody shaped the reeds and guided them, weaving the strands over and under. An anonymous craftsman (or craftswoman, or craftsperson, if we're going to be P.C.) made this basket for an anonymous owner. Me.
Did you ever think of the thousands and thousands of hands that helped put together all of the things in your home? It's mind-boggling when you get right down to it. Everyday artists who created useful things, beautiful things, things we might not even notice as we scurry about our days.
Thich Nhat Hanh, the Zen Buddhist Master and a living genius among us, writes in his book Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life about noticing all of the people and forces that bring an apple to us:
"Look deeply at the apple in your hand and see the farmer who tended the apple tree; the blossom that became the fruit; the fertile earth; the organic material from decayed remains of prehistoric marine animals and algae, and the hydrocarbons themselves; the sunshine, the clouds, and the rain. Without the combination of these far-reaching elements and without the help of many people, the apple would simply not exist."
Right now, look around the room you're in. Find just one thing and imagine its history. Imagine the hands that touched it, all the elements and all the forces that brought it into your home.
Perhaps whisper "thanks."
Before you go...
Enrollment is now OPEN for my April e-course The Art of Photography: How to Take Your Pictures to the Next Level. This is the only time it will run until 2018; spaces are limited; and now through April 14, you can get the special Early Bird Rate of $20 off by clicking here for all the details: Save $20 on The Art of Photography. Join me and let's create some gorgeous art in April!
© 2017 by Joy Sussman/ LLC. All rights reserved. All photos and text digitally fingerprinted and watermarked. Please do not use any photographs without asking me first for permission at [email protected] and then clearly linking back to this site with photo credits. Site licensed by Creative Commons.