Thanks goodness we have a couple of "friends in high places." No, I'm not talking about business connections--I'm talking about our friends who have a lovely cabin way up in the Catskill Mountains and were kind enough to invite us to their place last weekend. (Thanks SO much, Mark and Kim!)
It was peak season in the Catskills for the fall foliage, so we were ooohing and aaaahing all over the place! My son and daughter have caught the photography bug (all my fault), so they were snapping shots right along with me. Truly, it was spectacular! How can dying leaves be so darn pretty?
Of course, we HAD to go apple-picking and pumpkin-picking, because that's just what you do in the northeastern U.S. in September and October. I think it's mandatory in some states. (That's Wilklow Orchards in Highland, New York, pictured at the very top, and in the next four shots.)
The kids were begging us to bake apple pies when we got back to the cabin, but luckily, I remembered how looooooooooooong it took me the last time I baked an apple pie from scratch. (Answer: Over three hours! Lots of washing, peeling, coring, chopping, mixing,'s no small feat to bake an apple pie, let me tell ya! But yes, the results were delicious, so it was worth it...kind of...I think? Anyway, this time we cheated and bought a pie at the orchard.)
I love everything about autumn. The crispness in the air. Pure blue skies. The crunch of leaves underfoot. The scent of homemade cinnamon doughnuts and hot apple cider. Little children enthusiastically trying to lug gigantic pumpkins uphill to the parking lot. Heavy bags of freshly picked apples with leaves still attached. Dogs sniffing everything, everywhere, excited by the sheer magic of the season. (Well, dogs are like that pretty much every day in every season, aren't they?)
It was the perfect fall weekend: Great scenery. Great weather. Great hiking. Great eats. But most of all, great friends.
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