Just last weekend, I had the immense honor of being hired to shoot the 2nd birthday party of a dear friend's daughter in New York City. When I arrived, the guest of honor was adorably toddling around her apartment wearing only a diaper. My goodness, that took me right back to when my own children were below waist-high on me. Time absolutely and positively flies!
Once the Party Girl had agreed to put on her festive attire, we all headed off to the lovely Carl Schurz Park. For those of you not familiar with Manhattan, that's a beautiful stretch of green lawn and lush trees (pictured above) running along the East River. It's also home to Gracie Mansion, the official residence of the mayor of New York City. "Green" and "nature" might not be the first things that come to mind when you think of the city, but there are definitely pockets of both to be found.
Because toddlers are not known for sticking to a parent's script, the Birthday Girl arrived at her party and promptly fell asleep--for about two hours! She did give me ample time to take some sweet snaps of her sparkly party shoes!
A couple of hours later, Sleeping Beauty had awakened and was ready to party!
Of course, her favorite part was birthday cake, and she had TWO of them to help her celebrate her big day! Do you think she enjoyed them just a little bit?
It was a beautiful afternoon for a beautiful child, and it reminded me (once again) to savor each and every one of our precious little moments, because oh my, do they fly!
If you'd like to make more of your moments, my newest online photography courses will help you do just that. Centering on mindfulness practices and the quiet, meditative time we can find behind our lenses (or even the cameras in our smart phones!), Soul Focus: Finding Peace Through Photography and Soul Focus 2: Delving Deeper Into Mindful Photography are now OPEN for registration! Find out the details and claim your spots for these July 2017 courses by clicking this link for the first course and this link for the second course (which can only be taken after the first course, but luckily for you, they run right after the other this summer). If you have time for only one course, choose the first one. Let's make July picture-perfect together!
© 2017 by Joy Sussman/JoyfullyGreen.com LLC. All rights reserved. All photos and text digitally fingerprinted and watermarked. Please do not use any photographs without asking me first for permission at [email protected] and then clearly linking back to this site with photo credits. Site licensed by Creative Commons.